What Is Intellectual Development?

Intellectual development means the growth of a child's ability to think and reason. It's about how they organize their minds, ideas and thoughts to make sense of the world they live in.

Intellectual development can be facilitated through certain means including the following;

• Stimulate the environment: Given that right variables interact with genetic factors to build up the personality of the individual, the environment should be structured to stimulate children; for instance, the use of brightly coloured toys. It is important to label the environment for children.

• Read to the child: This can start early, and you can tailor the technique you use to the age and ability of the child.

• Share some time with children to interact with them: As they mature, their attention span increases so time spent with children must also increase.

• Tailor activities to the child’s developmental level: According to Piaget children’s intellect differs from level to level so activities they involve in should be in line with their level.

• The nutritional status of the child, as well as his general health, is also an important factor in intellectual development