The Nigerian music star expressed his joy working with some great talent from Ghana during his short visit."I have a great song with Stonebwoy which is yet to be released. it is an amazing one and we have shot and equally amazing video" he said.
Davido said he has worked on a total of four songs with Ghanaian music producer KillBeatz."KillBeatz came to my hotel room when I visited Ghana and we recorded about four songs" he added.
He also talked about his project with Darko Vibes.Commenting on his recent collaboration with Mugeez, he said,"Muggez has always been like my brother and i had always wanted a song with him. Mebe is a perfect song we made together. And ooh, just anticipate, Mugeez is also dropping a new album and we have a collaboration together on that too" he concluded.
Davido seem to have worked on a numerous projects on his short visit to Ghana.