4 benefits of lemon you didn't know |windyhype.online

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Lemons are a popular fruit that people use in small quantities to add flavor to food. However, they rarely consume them alone due to their intense, sour taste.
However here's the thing about lemons, they are so much more than just a sour drink.

Lemons have incredible healing properties when it comes to hair and skin well being. So take a look at the four benefits that lemons possess and immediately add them to your shopping cart.

1. Purifying Moisturizer

All you need to do here is just ~one~ thing. Simply mix a couple drops of lemon juice with coconut water. That is it. As a result, the coconut helps to hydrate your skin while the lemon clears and brights it. Which only leaves you with one stunning solution, hydrated and radiant skin. Yes, please!

2. Natural Hair Highlighter:

Before you step out into the sunshine, just add a bit of lemon juice to your hair, and **boom**! Natural highlights. No really! This will not only save you tons of money but it's also a completely natural substitute for those desired hair highlights. Furthermore it won't damage your scalp, leaving it completely dandruff free.

3. Nail Strengthener:

No one wants dry, brittle, or weak nails. That's a given. Which is why it's crucial to have lemon juice and olive oil handy. Just combine the two ingredients and soak your nails straight into the mixture for about 15 minutes, twice a week. The result? Stronger, more beautiful nails!

4. Teeth Whitener:

It definitely sounds weird when we say that lemons can help act as a teeth whitener, but hey, don't knock it 'til you try it. Plus, it is a cheaper alternative so we say, give it a chance. Simply mix lemon juice with baking powder, stir thoroughly. Place this mixture directly onto your teeth when brushing. Brush your teeth like this once or twice a week. Not only will it brighten and strengthen your teeth but it'll also help build up the enamel.