Born in Brooklyn, New York and now residing in Nodeland, Norway. Capital X is still showing no mercy and no signs of giving up on his mission.Rapper/Activist Capital X’s new single ‘The Vision’ being released on April 28, 2021. The Vision was produced as well as mixed and mastered by Capital X.
The boom bap style beat laced with eerie strings, keys and flute like sounds sets a perfect backdrop for this autobiographical track which also pays homage to those he left behind the walls. X speaks about the moments he began to transform into the prisoners rights activist he is today. Having spent well over a decade in and out of American prisons X warns of the cold reality that the prison industrial complex is nothing short of modern day slavery.
The corruption that leads to many innocent people being imprisoned even sentenced to die doesn’t sound as foreign today as it did some 12 years ago when X released his debut album 305375 The Voice of the Voiceless Vol. 1. The Vision gives listeners a birds eye view of just how 305375 came to be.
The Vision is now available on all streaming platforms as we as on X’s website